Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One-step closer to a cyborg universe

flicflex concept from chris woebken on Vimeo.

Flicflex by Chris Woebken

Taking the concept of the ipad and Kindle one step further, Chris Woebken came up with a concept for the future of flexible displays and interactions:
"...'opening a letter, unfolding it and feeling the texture of the paper is a very tactile experience compared to receiving an e-mail. on top of the content itself, the behavior and micro-interactions adds a level of engagement to the medium.’ using this physical approach, he designed a series of interface gestures that take advantage of motion sensors and flexible displays."

It's one step closer towards a cyborgian future where the digital is so intertwined and co-opted into our everyday 'tangible' experiences. Imagine owning one of these bad boys - you won't ever need to carry around a book/laptop/notebook - just sync it up and you have instant digital access and yet somehow retain a 'virtual' sense of tangibility with the 'real' world... but who are we kidding? Eons from now, kids will be toting these flexible screens around and will never have had the satisfaction of feeling paper between their fingers and enjoying that little moment when you rip off a page from your favorite magazine and feeling the paper grain as you fold it and put it into your 'scrapbook'.

Call me old school, hey, maybe even a little nostalgic...but i worry about the day when books are no longer printed and i won't get the joy of looking at my ever-expanding bookshelves cos it's all stored digitally in these nifty little devices..

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